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Great Reads for Good Food

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Looking to Lose the COVID-19 Weight? Try These Small and Achievable Steps

Do not get down on yourself if you have put on some weight over the last year. Recent studies show that an overwhelming amount of Americans gained some extra pounds during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemi...

How What You Fuel Your Body With Can Affect Your Body's Immune Function

How you choose to nourish your body has far-reaching effects that go well beyond your waistline measurements. What you eat can also have significant effects on the function of your body's immune system....

Many people struggle to take care of their mental health at some point in life. Others have struggled with this problem for a lengthy period. But ther...

Use the habits shared below to boost your mental health and become a happy person. 1. Socialize We are current...

Understanding How Multiple Sclerosis Affects the Body in Multiple Ways

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects the central nervous system, disrupting the exchange of information between the brain and the rest of the body. According to the National MS Society, ther...

Struggling with a Weight Loss Plateau? Here is How You Can Break Through

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight has likely experienced the dreaded plateau. While the weight generally comes off easy during the first few weeks of the effort, this progress eventually stalls ...

Returning to Work Have You Feeling Anxious? How You Can Cope

It is understandable if you feel anxious at work. This is particularly true if you have recently returned to an office setting after working from home over the last year because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. W...

Breathing Exercises for Stress

Your stress levels are tied directly to your overall wellness and there's really no way around that fact. The more stressed out you are, the worse you will ultimately feel. That's not only because stress brings with it feelings of anxiety, ma...

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel for At-Home Workers

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel for At-Home Workers Carpal tunnel syndrome inflicts millions of people every year and causes numbness, tingling, and sometimes even a dull, aching pain (like arthritis) in the hands and fingers. This happens ...

Working From Home: How to Stay Healthy and Happy

There are many people who are now working from home, whether due to COVID-19 or by personal choice. While working from home offers some benefits, like less exposure to germs and saving on commuting costs, it can also come with...