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Great Reads for Good Food

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COVID-19 Crisis Has Severe Global Impact on Mental Health

In Volume 20, Issue 11 of the Lancet, which is a journal of infectious disease research, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a study on how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting the mental health of people around...

How the Biden Administration Plan to Speed Up the Vaccination Efforts

On Wednesday, Joseph R. Biden was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States. Regardless of what side of the political aisle that you fall on, there is no doubt that a new president comes with a ...

What is Food Insecurity and Why is it Such a Problem Now for So Many?

While many health experts and government officials are rightfully focused on controlling the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is another huge problem that millions of Americans are facing as a resul...

How What You Fuel Your Body With Can Affect Your Body's Immune Function

How you choose to nourish your body has far-reaching effects that go well beyond your waistline measurements. What you eat can also have significant effects on the function of your body's immune system....

Still on the Fence About the COVID-19 Vaccine? Read This for Reassurance

While there is still a massive COVID-19 vaccine shortage on a global level, the US is reaching the point in which it is easy for nearly any adult living anywhere in the country to get the coveted vacci...

Breathing Exercises for Stress

Your stress levels are tied directly to your overall wellness and there's really no way around that fact. The more stressed out you are, the worse you will ultimately feel. That's not only because stress brings with it feelings of anxiety, ma...

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel for At-Home Workers

Avoiding Carpal Tunnel for At-Home Workers Carpal tunnel syndrome inflicts millions of people every year and causes numbness, tingling, and sometimes even a dull, aching pain (like arthritis) in the hands and fingers. This happens ...

Prediabetes is on the Rise - Why This is Happening and What Can be Done

According to recent data published in JAMA Pediatrics, a new study reveals that the incidence of prediabetes has more than doubled since the year 1999. The new figures detail that 28% of individuals b...

McDonald's Offering Wellness Checks Amid Covid-19

Most states in the nation have been very busy in shutting down almost everything nonessential they can think of. Unfortunately for businesses, nonessential includes a lot of construction companies and a lot of manufacturer...