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Great Reads for Good Food

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Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Your Health Go Well Beyond the Actual Virus

While most people are hyper-focused on the effects that COVID-19 may take on the body, the stress of the ongoing global pandemic is also delivering a host of other health issues. The constant level ...

Need to Use a Public Restroom During the Pandemic? Here is What to Do

As the mobility of the nation continues to increase with more states opening back up for business, the issue of how to safely use public restrooms has been at the forefront of many health dialogues. Altho...

These Wellness Topics Are a Top Priority for Nations Recovering From COVID

Though the United States might still be dealing with high COVID-19 rates, nations that had a more effective response to the pandemic are already moving on to the recovery stage. Seeing what they focu...

Struggling to Remember to Take Medication Each Day? Follow These Proven Tips

Despite the best of intentions, many people forget to take their medication as prescribed. When life gets busy, it is easy to let these tasks slip your mind. Unfortunately, forgetting to take impor...

Understanding the Major Symptoms and Causes of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure has been dubbed a silent killer by many healthcare professionals. Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure is often an invisible illness because of the lack of overt warning signs....

A Guide on How to Apply for Personal Grants

Do you know that the government and some non-profits offer grants to financially struggling individuals? You can apply and get funds to acquire a home, repair a house, buy furniture, pay education expenses, and many others. If y...

Navigating the Food Stamp Program: Common Challenges and Solutions

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), known as food stamps, is a federal program that helps individuals and families combat hunger by providing affordable and nutritious food. While the pro...

Are You at Risk of Developing Complications from COVID-19? Find Out Here

As scientists and medical professionals begin to learn more about the deadly COVID-19 global pandemic, it is becoming clear that there are definitive underlying conditions that make people more suscept...

Many people do not understand the importance of health and wellness. Therefore, they take these issues lightly until they fall sick and they realize t...

Let a bottle of Water Be Your First Drink When You Wake Up A bottle of water in the morning will improve your health sig...