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Great Reads for Good Food

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8 Easy Ways to Focus on Wellness During the Holiday Season

The 2020 holiday season isn't going to look like any other holiday season in memory. As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, there is a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel. The United Kingdom started inoculating ...

It's Okay to Not Feel Festive This Holiday Season

The divisive presidential election, COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty have hit people hard this year. As 2020 comes to a close, the holiday season is upon us. This is usually a time of year for people to gather with ...

Want to Share Your Excitement About Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine? Think Again

You cannot get on social media these days without seeing snapshots of COVID-19 vaccination cards. It is understandable that people are excited to share the good news when they are lucky enough t...

About to Get Your Second COVID-19 Shot? How to Manage the Side Effects

Every day, thousandsร‚ย of Americans are receiving their second shot of the coveted COVID-19 vaccine. For most people, the second shot is what triggers the more severe side effects. While some people rep...

Waking Up in the Middle of the Night? How to Fall Back Asleep Quickly

While many people do not have issues falling asleep, staying that way may be a big problem. There are few things more frustrating than waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back ...

CDC Updates Social Distancing Guidelines for School Wellness

Since COVID-19 was declared to be a pandemic by the WHO on March 11, 2020, public health authorities have strongly encouraged people to maintain "social distancing" of six feet. This means not standing closer than ...

Struggling with a Weight Loss Plateau? Here is How You Can Break Through

Anyone who has ever tried to lose weight has likely experienced the dreaded plateau. While the weight generally comes off easy during the first few weeks of the effort, this progress eventually stalls ...

Thinking of Adopting a Plant-Based Diet? Here Are Some of the Top Benefits

More and more healthy-savvy individuals are making the transition to a plant-based diet. Everyone has a different reason for adopting this dietary lifestyle. However, one reason that everyone has in ...

Nutrition and Mental Health: How the Right Foods Can Keep You Happy and Healthy

Did you know that what you eat can directly impact your mood and mental health? Certain foods can help keep you happy and healthy, while others can cause problems like anxiety and depression. ...